Tuesday, March 25, 2008

SB part II

Well friends, Spring Break is going great so far. We had an awesome time at the Shimers on Sunday night watching the UNC game and I must say, wasn't it just AWESOME??? GO HEELS! My head hasn't been coroperating but it is better now, and I have a busy day planned for tomorrow to catch up on stuff and pick up a friend of tori's and mine, get my car washed for our trip to Boone, go to church, then come home after the busy day and relax before Thursdays trip to Greensboro. I am very excited because on Friday, Kevin Bryan and I are meeting for the firs time! I wish I was already with him for his 21st b-day, but I am so glad that we are even going up this weekend at all! God has been amazing at how He has brought us together. I feel that all will go as it should for this weekend. This has been a great week to catch my breath from school and think too, and relieve some of the stress I have been feeling lately. Well friends, the shower is calling my name, ttyas, miss you all and love you all tons!


here is my favorite pic from the UNC party/Bible study. I hope you all enjoy it, we had a lot of team spirit as we learned from our dad and uncle's.