Monday, October 15, 2007


This is a wonderful song that I sang with my sister Tori and her class at co-op also known as Klass, and it's just amazing!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

more updates

well, things are going great for me! Had a nice relaxing break and had some time to work as well and earn some money too. We had a good service today at church and Sunday school. It was more on tithing and God's purpose for your life was the theme. I enjoyed it a lot and got a lot out of it. I joined the choir 2 weeks ago too. So today was my first Sunday since I was i was gone last week. I really enjoyed it and am glad that I could be there today since we did a nice mededly I LOVE and wanted to do with the choir. Two of our members who our in the choir as well weren't there so there was a bit of confusion about who went where. But we got it sorted out and hopfully they will be there in 2 weeks for when I am there again since next week we'll be outta town for my cousins wedding.

Oh, and I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, well I kinda am and kinda not. My break officially ends at 9am tomorrow morning. But the good part is, that the semester is half over so I get out of school around the 13th of December and I'm really lokking forward to that!!! Pray for me that I do good the rest of the semester! Thanks friends, and on another note, I found a ad for MPIX in my photo magagzine I get monthy, and they, MPIX, does many different things, but I did a book, with a lot of my best photos that I could get in there! It looks great, and is alot easier than scrapbooking. except you can do a lot more with scrapbooking! Talk to you all later.