Friday, January 4, 2008

This is amazing!

He is only 4, but already has the gift of God in his soul! This little boys's daddy is the music leader for the praise band in a church in MO and he is 4 and already can drum like there is no tomorrow. You check him out and see what you think, this was at their Christmas Eve service.

"Days go By"

I love that song! Well, School started today, and we had a good first day of class. We only had Ensligh today and it went well I might add. It all goes downhill from here, I got all the books, and now all my classes start. But the good news is that if I work hard, then I will be done by May, then can do some summer classes possibly to catch up. The good news is I have a really good English teacher for this semester, a good change over Mr. Butts, hehe. Well friends, I'm going to go now and finish the movie. ttyl all later. Btw, I am getting the camera this coming Friday if all works out so please be in prayer with me about it. I'm in the proccess of transferring money over and into my account. Thanks, I'll have pics up soon! Bye for now.


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

WOW! What a GREAT new year!

Tori and I had a great new year eves at my church playing games with my Pastor and many others as a few select of us gathered for the watchnight service of games, food, and fun. Let me say, the food was awesome, the games were fun, and the company was inspiring! It was amazing starting the new year on my knees thanking God for the past year and all he Has done for me. I mean, I have joined my first church, gradutated from high school, started college and succesfully completed my first semested of it, and I had my first relationship with a great man. I think all in all it was a pretty great year, it had it's trials and errors like always, God still has chosen not to take my headaches away, but I feel the end is coming with that someday soon, and I urge you to be in prayer with me about that.

MY New Years Resolution? For the Year 2008 to be an even BETTER year than 2007, and for my focus on Christ to grow stronger as I continue on with my education, and possibly move on with my dating life as well. Who knows, only God does, and with God, nothings impossible. *I want to thank all those who have been in prayer for Scott Whitley who has been in Iraq for the last year, but PLEASE, do NOT stop praying yet, because he still has alittle over a month and still needs our prayers until he walks off the steps of that plane and is in the loving arms of his family once again. Thanks friends, for all your love, and support to me.

Sunday, December 30, 2007


I hope everyone has a great New Years for 2007 as we look forward to the year 2008 at 12:00a.m. on Tuesday morning. I am going to my church tomorrow night to play games and to fellowship with my church family, and when mid-night comes around, we are going to be in the sancuary down on our knees thanking God for an amazing year and asking Him what He'd do in us for the next one. I ask you to do the same, be on your knees as that ball drops and be asking God what he'd have you to do. I know in about a month we are going to be rejoicing because Scott Whitley who has been gone for over a year now will be HOME! Praise God for bringing him home safly, AMEN? Well folks, it's 1:45 a.m and I need sleep so, I'll ttyl all later, see ya in the NEW YEAR! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
