Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Just wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas is to me the proper way to wish everyone the seasons greetings. For it shows the real reason for Christmas, which is Christ the Lord, who came to earth as a baby boy many years ago, to the little town of Bethlehem, where he was born in a manger cause there was no room for them in the inn. What an amazing story it is, but we mustn't forget that Jesus wasn't just a baby in a manger, he grew up, and died on the cross to pay the sins of every single person born on earth. That means that he paid for your sins and mine too. This CHRISTmas season, remember that he did all that so that you might have eternal life through him, and live with him forever in Heaven, instead of a place known as Hell. Merry CHRISTmas to one and all.

From my family to yours,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas time is here!

Well friends, it's over, finals, school, projects, and tests are all over with until January! I am so thankful for all that God has done for me over this year and as it comes to a close, it has been a awesome year with friends, family and laughter to go around.

Over the past week I have fought through stress, tests, and finals to get through final exams at LCC and be done, and I can honestly say, it was all worth it. I am so happy to finally be done and have a much deserved break, see family, and enjoy time with friends with plenty laughter to go around. Just some updates for you all who want to know what's going on in my life and those close to me.

The newly weds Will and Meghan Haynes are living in Wheaton, IL and are doing great. They are getting plenty of snow as we can tell and have heard, and are happy. Meghan is teaching at Wheaton Christian Grammar School where God is blessing her there, and Will is on his way with classes to getting his doctoral degree. They are flying in from NJ the day after Christmas and we are meeting them in Raleigh on our way to Asheville to visit family for a few days. We are also making time to visit with our Greensboro crew as well during that trip.

Things are going great with the family here at the Haynes homestead as dad continues to work hard and mom and Tori work on school work still at home on a daily basis. Josh works for DEPS where he installs alarm systems and the like, and is enjoying it. All in all everyone is doing great!

Tori and I are still members of Neuse Baptist Church or NBC as we like to call it and are very active and busy there. This past Sunday we performed our Christmas Cantata 4 times that day, 3 at the church and one at a local nursing home. All through the month of December we have fun things going on to celebrate the season. We are still active in the choir, Tori is very active in the youth group at NBC, and I am active at the time in the kids activities like: nursery, Mission Friends, Team Kid, etc. We have a lot going on and are also in the process of raising money to move church locations. All in all things are going great at NBC for all who go there.

A lot has been going on and much to share, here is just a glimpse of what's been going on with my family and friends over the last few months. More to come later on in the life of HillaryC.

NBC had it's Fall Festival to raise money for an
upcoming youth trip on Saturday November 22nd.

Tori and I went to see 2 of our favorite Bands on:
Friday December 12th for the 1st time in Greensboro, NC.

My Aunt and Uncle came down to have Thanksgivin with us.
They also brought their dog Jackson with them.

Josh has been killing many deer this season,
we have more. than we know what to do with.

Friday, November 21, 2008

the amazing things in life.

I am finding as I am getting into a good rhythm of homework, school, and reading God's work daily that my life is going along great! I keep thinking that even when I get frustrated, it's all good and life is great. think it's amazing how I do my verse of the week and what those verses really mean, homework gets done, reports are getting done no matter how frustrating they can be and really, it's life.

All the little things are all life, including school, tests, mid-terms, and finals, not to mention, reports. I just wanted to share what God has been showing me these days, and please continue to pray for me as I march strongly towards the day of battle in finals, and my busy, busy, busy weekend that week between final days. More to come when it can over the next 3 weeks or so. Love you all, take care, and God bless.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bible Verse for the week!

Tonight just now as I was reading my scriptures for the day, I came accross this verse and it shouted out to me because it is in one of the songs we are singing in our church's Christmas Cantata that is in less than a month.

It is Matthew chapter 4 verse 16 and says this:
"the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of shadow of death a light had dawned."

What an amazement it is that that song is one of my favorites from the Cantata and yet I read it in scripture tonight as I meditated on the song earlier at choir practice. What a mighty God we serve.

Monday, November 10, 2008

It's coming!!! It's coming!!!

Well friends, as I get into the busy end of the semester stage of getting things done before it ends in a month from this Thursday or Monday. I just wanted to let you all know that even though you probably won't hear from me if any at all, please be in prayer for me as I get into the stages of finals once again at LCC. I love you all and hope to write to you more as Thanksgiving nears. Take care and I will be talking withyou later on.

Friday, November 7, 2008

The semester is nearing its end folks.

Well, I hought today how scary it was that this coming Thursday which is the 11th of November I have my 3rd and last midterm to turn in and then a month from then on the 12th of December our first finals start, scary right?!?! lol. Well anyways, things are still going well with school, I am still working hard and glad that the semester is almost over. I do feel like we are tight in some of my classes since it is so close to finals but with Gods help we will get it done. I have been so busy that I sadly don't have a verse for the week but just am meditating on his word and in prayer for our country as we now have a new president to come into office. I urge all of you to be in Prayer for Obama and his family daily and that God will be the center of his life. More to come later.

Friday, October 24, 2008

school has turned me!

Hey friends, well I am having a ton of fun learing the new stuff in my blog that I didn't try to learn before but after learning stuff in my Multimedia Design class where we design a website, I have learned a lot. Plus I have seen what friends of mine and family have done with theirs. A ton of it has come from playing around with things, which I had a blast doing tonight. Today I am going with my mom, sister, and some close friends to see High School Musical 3 in Greenville which I am so excited about. Then tonight I am going to see some awesome Jazz music with a good friend of mine, Ryan. I am looking forward to my day off from school even though it has already started hehe. Well friends, more to come in the life of HillaryC. Ttyl =)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Bible Verse for the week!

This verse is not new to anyone unless they are not a Christian, but my church helped me see it all in a new life. John 3:16 says: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." What an amazing promise that is and one thing I was reminded of this weekend at church was, we can put our own names in that verse, for God so loved Hillary that he sent HIS only son to die for me! What an amazing promise that is that we ALL can believe and atest to in this life. AMEN!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

crazy time of the semester!

well, again I have not dropped off the radar just been extremely busy with school and getting my life back on track. =) I know I am getting ready to write a lot so bear with me. I am back to being me and my headaches seem to be improving some as well because I just successfully went through my first week without having my 2 day migraines that have been coming once a week for the past 2-5 months!!! So thank God, no migraine this week and hopefully the next weeks to come for a long time. With my rewarding week came a new friend from my English class, one whom I think I was looking for out at LCC. A funny person to be able to laugh with and just overall brighten my day, just what I was praying for in fact. So the week had 2 days devoted to fall break where students were able to study for midterms if they pleased or just take a break from it all.

Even though I did do some hw in the even of my super long weekend as I though of it, I took the time to chill and enjoy the time I had off. I also am getting into what I have wanted to for a long time, a reading schedule and am loving it. So far I have read 2 books in a matter of one week one of which I have read before. Now I am moving on to higher books such as John Grisham or Tom Clancey whom I have never read. I read most of a John Grisham novel a couple of years ago and enjoyed it so I thought I'd get back into them. As for the others I'd figure we had them here at home so I'd read them first then move to Grisham after.

School is still going well and I am having a reality check this weekend and reminding myself that every things going to be fine and that I will get done in due time and to just enjoy it while I can. Plus not to say I don't think I am enjoying it anymore etc but to feel joy in learning. So, I have 2 midterms on Monday which I have only 2 classes anyways so piece of cake, then only 1 more after that and it is a take home which will be nice.

Church life is still blooming at the seams. I am now the head of the nursery part of Mission Friends on Wednesday nights, I am doing Team Kid on Sunday nights every so many months for a month, and am active in nursery on Sunday mornings. We have also started doing Chimes which Tori and I along with several others have been involved with and our first performance in church is this Sunday! Or tomorrow which ever. All in all it is great, choir and everything else is still going great.

I will write more later in the upcoming week if I can this is just updates on everything. I am busy having fun staying with my hw which can be a challenge at times with my headaches but like I said, I am confident that they are getting better. I also thought it'd be nice if I shared a daily or weekly bible verse with you all that God has impressed me to share. It seems to be easier to make it weekly but we'll see.

I love you all and hope this finds you in good health! =)

Monday, September 1, 2008

School, stress, and life OH MY!!!

hey friends, well things are getting back to normal around here as much as possible after the wedding and a great summer. School started 2 weeks ago from today. Since it is Labor Day we have it off today. I am still active in my church and am getting back into the photographer seat in trying to get pics taken that are LONG overdue. Other same and new things going on are: choir, SS, great services, and now I am teaching Nursery on Wednesday nights, doing Sunday morning nursery almost once a month, and teaching teamkid on Sunday nights about every 3 months or so, and helping teach childrens church. As you can see a lot. We are also starting a kids choir and chimes group which Tori and I are in. We started that all on Thursdays and will continue practices on those nights. School is going well and challenging again so far but I am enjoying it. So far some things done are working on my new business card, wide format poster, paper, learning how to do a newsletter, preping images and much more! Well friends more to come later.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Life's getting back to normal again!

Hey friends, well, we made it safely to Illinois and back and thank the Lord for that and all the prayers that were made during that week and before! We didn't have any problems with the UHaul except one sway or two and Will did and awesome job driving it with his co-captain in the front seat giving directions as we went. Ryan Rosewell, a good friend and graduate buddy of Will's went along to help with the move and to see his brother who lives in the Chicago area. We had a wonderful time seeing the sites of the big city and of Wheaton where Will and Meghan will be living for the next several years. Wheaton College is beautiful and a nice town too. They are getting settled in and we helped get the kitchen settled on Saturday before flying back to Kinston Sunday morning. We took the same route home that we drove more than 14 hours there in. God was amazing to us as we journeyed on our way and I can not say that enough, it couldn't have gone better. Now we are getting back to our daily activities and are enjoying the rest of our summer before school starts back on August 18th for me at LCC. I am still pursuing a major in Graphic Arts there and am looking forward to continuing on until I have succussfully finished all my requirements! Well friends, I believe that is well enough for now. A lot has happend since I last spoke to you all. Take care, God bless you all!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Well friends, things are going great at the Haynes' homested. Will and Meghan have been here for about a week now and will be here for another week and couple of days I think. Will is heading back up to Lynchburg around a week from now to start packing up the trailer. Meghan, mom, tori, and I are heading up the next day or so and then we along with a good friend of theirs, are all driving up to Wheaton, IL! We will be gone for around 5 days and will be back on Sunday July, 27th. We had a wonderful reception here at the house for them on Sunday and it went really well. Saw a ton of old friends as well as new ones. Meghan loved meeting everyone and Will enjoyed seeing people that he hasn't seen in years. They are heading to the OBX this weekend for alittle get a way and I know they are going to have a wonderful time! Concert time for me and Catherine this weekend as we head to Greensboro to see some good ol'e Southern Gospel music and then staying at my aunts house that night, fun, fun, fun! Well friends, thats enough for now, more to come later in the life of the new Mr. and Mrs. Will Haynes!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"Introducing, Mr. and Mrs. Will Haynes!!!!!!"

well they did it! Meghan and Will tied the knot at around 2:45pm on Sunday, June 29, 2008! The wedding rehearsal, dinner, ceremony, and reception was ALL simply beautiful, as were the bride and groom! Everything turned out so much more amazing than I ever imagined it to be! They are both very happy with tears to go around. Will even made ME cry even though I already was. Now they are on their honeymoon on the beautiful island of Jamaica and I'm sure having a blast after a very busy week and weekend last week! It was great meeting the Hayes family and they were ALL very nice and I personally can't wait to see them all again. Here are a few pics as for seen I have been loading and am loading wedding pics taken with my camera onto every possible site I can think of that I use, minus one or two. Enjoy and commsent tons!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summer Fun and Wedding Bells ring!

Hey it's me, and no I have NOT fallen off the planet, just a lot happening and byt the next sentence you will know why.Well, my summer has been great except for one thing, I don't have my computer! Mom sent it off after I went TO Alaska and let's just put it this way, with a lot of pain and frustration, I still don't have it back. But, great summer nontheless! A week from this Sunday is Will and Meghan's wedding and I am SO happy! June 29th is going to be such an awesome day this summer, along with August 12th which is MY 20th Birthday!!! I have some awesome plans but I hope they all work out! Then right after school starts dad is taking me to a NASCAR race in Bristol and we will be staying in Boone, yay! Will and Meghan and spending two weeks with us in July after the honeymoon in Jamacia and that will be so AWESOME plus the reception we are having for them here on the 13th! Mom, Tori and I are all driving up to Illinois with them and then flying back a few days later to help with the move. Then birthday time before school starts about a week later! A lot happening and I am doing a lot with church like Mission Friends for example on Wednesday nights. Well friends, gtg out to dad's office, more to come soon, and wedding pics in a few weeks from the BIG DAY!!!! Ttys!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Congrats to the new couple in our family!!!

Well, it's official, as of last night I saw the ring on her finger, my brother Josh is finally engaged too! Now I have 2 brothers who are engaged and couldn't be happier. We love Kim to death and now I have 2 future sisters-in-laws that I LOVE to death! Congrats Josh and Kim!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Little Things That Seem Like BIG Things to US!

I am realizing a lot, like something my brother's fiancee said the other day to, "good luck on finishing your 1st year of college." WOW, today it suddenly hit me, I am doing it! I am finishing up my 1st year of college which has gone by WAY to fast for me but I LOVE IT! Plus, Will and Meghan are getting married June 29th, WOW, amazing, my bro is getting married and we are ALL growing up. Before I know it Josh will be getting married too! Then, it will be MY turn to graduate from college, what a day that will be! I feel like God has me right where HE wants ME! I feel confident in Him everyday in what I should do and where I should go. I feel like He has me in the right church which I am activly involved in, and in every aspect of MY life, He has covered so long as I keep MY eyes on HIM for everyday answers, which is exactly the kind of attitude I intend to have from now until He comes back or calls me home one! Well folks, that is all for now, as of Wednesday May 7th, 2008, I will officially be done and finished with my 1st year of college.

Friday, April 4, 2008

After SB!

Well friends, SB is over and I have just had my first full week back at school, and it went great! Yesterday was long and hard because we had the 50th anniversary at LCC and our Spring Jouste and I was exhausted after that for the rest of the day.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

SB part II

Well friends, Spring Break is going great so far. We had an awesome time at the Shimers on Sunday night watching the UNC game and I must say, wasn't it just AWESOME??? GO HEELS! My head hasn't been coroperating but it is better now, and I have a busy day planned for tomorrow to catch up on stuff and pick up a friend of tori's and mine, get my car washed for our trip to Boone, go to church, then come home after the busy day and relax before Thursdays trip to Greensboro. I am very excited because on Friday, Kevin Bryan and I are meeting for the firs time! I wish I was already with him for his 21st b-day, but I am so glad that we are even going up this weekend at all! God has been amazing at how He has brought us together. I feel that all will go as it should for this weekend. This has been a great week to catch my breath from school and think too, and relieve some of the stress I have been feeling lately. Well friends, the shower is calling my name, ttyas, miss you all and love you all tons!


here is my favorite pic from the UNC party/Bible study. I hope you all enjoy it, we had a lot of team spirit as we learned from our dad and uncle's.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spring Break!

Hey friends,
well, as of 9:50a.m. this Friday or March 21st, I will officially be on Spring Break! It is turning out to be a better Spring Break than I thought it was going to be a week ago! I found out a few nights ago that as per my request, we will be going to Boone next weekend so I can meet a very special guy that came into my life close to a month ago, Kevin. He and I met and have talked online ever since and on the phone but have yet to meet in person. Some of you may have heard about him already but you will hear about him more. I am very excited about next week and am happy to see what God is doing in my life these days! How great is our God, amen? He is so amazing and I just lift up all my praise to him for all He has done and is doing in my life. Well friends, got to go to the sketching pad to brainstorm some ideas for tomorrow's class. We are making postcards and since I got some great pics last time I was in the mountains I want to use one of them. More to come soon.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wuz up friends?

Well, things are so hectic around here lately with ALL I have going on in my life. Will and Meghan are still going great and the wedding is in June. For those of you who haven't heard yet, they ARE official and so you can say his fiance now! School is been hard for me in some classes the last few weeks but has picked up and I am so happy for that. My priorities are in line and God is really blessing me these days beyond what I could ever imagine. A little update from the Haynes family: Josh and his girlfriend Kim and still going strong and Kim is a real God send for Josh. They are very happy and we all love her. Will and Meghan are planning their wedding which will take place on June 29th and we are ALL very very excited. Mom and Dad are still doing their Sunday night house church and are loving it! Tori now goes to church with me and on the last Sunday of Feburary, she got baptized and is now a member of Neuse Baptist Church. She and I like to stay active in the church as we sing in the choir and have a Cantata this Sunday, Palm Sunday, and PLEASE come, it is at 11:00 and again at 7:00 at Neuse Baptist Church, you will be blessed! That's all for now folks, got to go take a shower and get ready for church! God bless each and every one of you!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


well, I finally think I have my computer straightened out, so for those of you who have been waiting with baited breath for new pics from my new baby, my Canon 30D, then you are in for a treat. All is going good with the new device for the computer, so I will have new pics for you Friday at the latest. I have a lot of homework it seems these days with college treking right along which is awesome. Things are going great here, I am looking forward to trying to get into doing a photo a day on this neat website that one of my dads friends got me into. Now, I have the want to talk to you all, my ipod is working, and thats what is important for the computer, and I will have new software for school soon, which includes Photoshop CS3, since my CS2 is BAD. Anyways, gtg friends and get to school. BTW, Scott got home from Iraq a couple of weeks ago, I think it was 3 weeks from this Friday, thank God!!! ttyal! Luv ya all, and a shout out to my big sissy who is turning 14! tomorrow, WOW! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TORI! I love you.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Take a look at my NEW Canon EOS 30D Digital Camera!

Well, here it is as I told you it would be. I got it yesterday, or Friday, January 11, 2008 at Best Buy. It was a great buy and I am so excited about learning to use it.

Friday, January 4, 2008

This is amazing!

He is only 4, but already has the gift of God in his soul! This little boys's daddy is the music leader for the praise band in a church in MO and he is 4 and already can drum like there is no tomorrow. You check him out and see what you think, this was at their Christmas Eve service.

"Days go By"

I love that song! Well, School started today, and we had a good first day of class. We only had Ensligh today and it went well I might add. It all goes downhill from here, I got all the books, and now all my classes start. But the good news is that if I work hard, then I will be done by May, then can do some summer classes possibly to catch up. The good news is I have a really good English teacher for this semester, a good change over Mr. Butts, hehe. Well friends, I'm going to go now and finish the movie. ttyl all later. Btw, I am getting the camera this coming Friday if all works out so please be in prayer with me about it. I'm in the proccess of transferring money over and into my account. Thanks, I'll have pics up soon! Bye for now.


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

WOW! What a GREAT new year!

Tori and I had a great new year eves at my church playing games with my Pastor and many others as a few select of us gathered for the watchnight service of games, food, and fun. Let me say, the food was awesome, the games were fun, and the company was inspiring! It was amazing starting the new year on my knees thanking God for the past year and all he Has done for me. I mean, I have joined my first church, gradutated from high school, started college and succesfully completed my first semested of it, and I had my first relationship with a great man. I think all in all it was a pretty great year, it had it's trials and errors like always, God still has chosen not to take my headaches away, but I feel the end is coming with that someday soon, and I urge you to be in prayer with me about that.

MY New Years Resolution? For the Year 2008 to be an even BETTER year than 2007, and for my focus on Christ to grow stronger as I continue on with my education, and possibly move on with my dating life as well. Who knows, only God does, and with God, nothings impossible. *I want to thank all those who have been in prayer for Scott Whitley who has been in Iraq for the last year, but PLEASE, do NOT stop praying yet, because he still has alittle over a month and still needs our prayers until he walks off the steps of that plane and is in the loving arms of his family once again. Thanks friends, for all your love, and support to me.

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