I hope everyone has a great New Years for 2007 as we look forward to the year 2008 at 12:00a.m. on Tuesday morning. I am going to my church tomorrow night to play games and to fellowship with my church family, and when mid-night comes around, we are going to be in the sancuary down on our knees thanking God for an amazing year and asking Him what He'd do in us for the next one. I ask you to do the same, be on your knees as that ball drops and be asking God what he'd have you to do. I know in about a month we are going to be rejoicing because Scott Whitley who has been gone for over a year now will be HOME! Praise God for bringing him home safly, AMEN? Well folks, it's 1:45 a.m and I need sleep so, I'll ttyl all later, see ya in the NEW YEAR! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Hey everyone,
sorry I have seem like I have been dropped off the planet but no I haven't, just been REAL busy. Exams are officially over and so is school until January 4th, Thank Goodness. It's so nice to have a break and I have passed all my classes thanks be to God for helping me through my first semester with Mr. Butts. We have been working on our Christmas Cantata at Church that the choir sings that we are doing this Sunday at 11a.m. then again at 7p.m. so please come out. We went to Britthaven Sunday to do it there for them and then I went out to my classmate Peneolpe's house to download software. I ended up having to leave my computer out there so her son could battle it out with the software guy whom he got mad at over the phone the previous day while I was there. So, we have one more to do and then we are done and hopfully that will be it. here's a pic of my first nice invention on my first download of software which is photoshop.

I intend to enjoy my break and this weekend I am going to enjoy Cable at my aunt's house when I go up there to babysit for my cousins while they do stuff for work this weekend and earn so good money in the process. The Camera fund is coming along nicely and I am looking forward to AK especially after Mrs. Debbie told me last weekend the sites we are or might be going to see and I am already falling in love with them. Tonight is the business meeting at church and my ministry is getting approved into the church, and by the way, we will be. It's a great ministry and one I am proud to be a part of. You don't have to guess what I am doing in it and am loving it. I am also in the choir at church as you know and am still loving it and as I said we are getting ready to do our first big production, "I Love to Tell The Story." I love you friends, look at this video too, it says it all about Chirstmas, and let your Christmas be about CHRIST!!! After all, HE is the Risen for the season!!!!
sorry I have seem like I have been dropped off the planet but no I haven't, just been REAL busy. Exams are officially over and so is school until January 4th, Thank Goodness. It's so nice to have a break and I have passed all my classes thanks be to God for helping me through my first semester with Mr. Butts. We have been working on our Christmas Cantata at Church that the choir sings that we are doing this Sunday at 11a.m. then again at 7p.m. so please come out. We went to Britthaven Sunday to do it there for them and then I went out to my classmate Peneolpe's house to download software. I ended up having to leave my computer out there so her son could battle it out with the software guy whom he got mad at over the phone the previous day while I was there. So, we have one more to do and then we are done and hopfully that will be it. here's a pic of my first nice invention on my first download of software which is photoshop.

I intend to enjoy my break and this weekend I am going to enjoy Cable at my aunt's house when I go up there to babysit for my cousins while they do stuff for work this weekend and earn so good money in the process. The Camera fund is coming along nicely and I am looking forward to AK especially after Mrs. Debbie told me last weekend the sites we are or might be going to see and I am already falling in love with them. Tonight is the business meeting at church and my ministry is getting approved into the church, and by the way, we will be. It's a great ministry and one I am proud to be a part of. You don't have to guess what I am doing in it and am loving it. I am also in the choir at church as you know and am still loving it and as I said we are getting ready to do our first big production, "I Love to Tell The Story." I love you friends, look at this video too, it says it all about Chirstmas, and let your Christmas be about CHRIST!!! After all, HE is the Risen for the season!!!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Well, I finally found the perfect deal for me with an SLR camera, and it couldn't be more perfect. It's a great price, exactly what I want, and what more could I want???? I already have 2 tripods, and they are perfect, have a good camera, and it's perfect, and am now fulfilling my dream, to get an Canon SLR camera. SOOOOOOO......for those of you out there who probably are getting me a Christmas gift, wellll, give me money, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! I need money to contribute to my camera fund so I can have it before I go to Alaska in May of next year to watch my best friend Catherine graduate from High School! THANKS soooo much friends, you're allll the bestt!!!!!!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Weekends are Great!!!
Well another weekends here again and boy am I glad! It's going to be busy like last week but great none the less and hopfully I can get a ton done like I did last weekend too. I've got finals coming up soon too so I need to start preparing for that as well. Tonight I've got to look over my paper that's due tomorrow and make sure it's good to go. Tomorrow's a new day and one I aim to please Jesus with and do what He tells me to do with my time and energy. I feel that He was pleased with how I spent my weekend last weekend. Tori go to drive for the first time, went shopping in Greenville and did a lot of other productive things I needed to get done too. Well friends, got to rap up computer time before going out to eat. Ttyl.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
some relief!
well folks, I don't have any pressuring homework due tomorrow so I going to bed so I can finally get some sleep since I've been really tired all week. It's almost 10 and I think I deserve it after working hard for the last 2 weeks. Plus finals are coming up soon so gotta prepare for that too. Night all
Monday, November 5, 2007
My, oh my!
well, the weekends over and time for a new week and school. Today was a great day, got a lot done, but now I am exhausted. Plus, I've been on new meds for the last week for my headaches. Things are going better but I'm having side affects from it which isn't that good. The weekend was absolutly wonderful since I got done everything I had planned plus much more! I kept thinking up things, and looking to God and He told me what He wanted of me for this weekend and I pulled through. Now if this week can continue that would be wonderful. Well friends, I'm going to continue to rest up after today and eat some dinner, do some homework and clean up some more and see what God has planned for me tonight! Love to all! God Bless and be with each and everyone of you!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
well schools treaking along as per usual. I'm about ready to get away from Mr. Butts, but this week we haven't had to listen to him lecture for an hour. Insted, he either sat at his desk in the room grading papers, or sat in his office grading or reading stuff. So this week was nice. The extra credit 10 points is a tuffy, so if any of you know the answer to this question, shout it out PLEASE!!!! What do the 1956 Yankees, Disney World, and the Monkees all have in common??? Thanks, and things are going great with the choir at church! We're practicing for our Christmas Cantata, and it is sooo beautiful! We did our first sing away from church since I've joined this past Monday night at the First Baptist Church of Deep Run, NC. Then this coming Monday we sing again at New Hope Baptist Church, Kinston, NC. The song we did this week was so beautiful and great praise to our Father above. I still can't wait til December 13th when we get outta school for this semester! Be in prayer for my friend Paige, she's really having a hard time right now with her husband being gone for close to a year and they keep changing to date for him to come home =( So please pray for her as she takes care of her 4 boys, Noah(9), Sam(5),Max(4), and Jack(2) almost 3. Thanks, love you all. My headaches are pretty bad right now too, so please, pray for me that they can get better soon so I can do a good job in school without them disrupting my life in homework! Thanks again, love you ALL!!!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
This is a wonderful song that I sang with my sister Tori and her class at co-op also known as Klass, and it's just amazing!!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
more updates
well, things are going great for me! Had a nice relaxing break and had some time to work as well and earn some money too. We had a good service today at church and Sunday school. It was more on tithing and God's purpose for your life was the theme. I enjoyed it a lot and got a lot out of it. I joined the choir 2 weeks ago too. So today was my first Sunday since I was i was gone last week. I really enjoyed it and am glad that I could be there today since we did a nice mededly I LOVE and wanted to do with the choir. Two of our members who our in the choir as well weren't there so there was a bit of confusion about who went where. But we got it sorted out and hopfully they will be there in 2 weeks for when I am there again since next week we'll be outta town for my cousins wedding.
Oh, and I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, well I kinda am and kinda not. My break officially ends at 9am tomorrow morning. But the good part is, that the semester is half over so I get out of school around the 13th of December and I'm really lokking forward to that!!! Pray for me that I do good the rest of the semester! Thanks friends, and on another note, I found a ad for MPIX in my photo magagzine I get monthy, and they, MPIX, does many different things, but I did a book, with a lot of my best photos that I could get in there! It looks great, and is alot easier than scrapbooking. except you can do a lot more with scrapbooking! Talk to you all later.
Oh, and I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, well I kinda am and kinda not. My break officially ends at 9am tomorrow morning. But the good part is, that the semester is half over so I get out of school around the 13th of December and I'm really lokking forward to that!!! Pray for me that I do good the rest of the semester! Thanks friends, and on another note, I found a ad for MPIX in my photo magagzine I get monthy, and they, MPIX, does many different things, but I did a book, with a lot of my best photos that I could get in there! It looks great, and is alot easier than scrapbooking. except you can do a lot more with scrapbooking! Talk to you all later.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
well, this is something I thought I wouldn't be able to do DURING mid-terms, write on my blog! Lol, anyways, mid-terms are going good so far, but tomorrows isn't and exam but a test. I did well on my first one, but wished and hoped I did better than I did but I'll take it! Well, gtg folks because I have to study and get to bed at a resonable time tonight after my LATE night studing of mid-terms last night. I stayed up til 1am studing and finishing homework for today's 11:00 class! Love always, more to come later on what's been happening in my life!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Busy Bees
Well, here's an update on what's happening in my life. I've been busy busy busy with school, and this past week had revivals at my church s-w nights. We had an awesome family share with us this week, they are a missionary family who are based in Celeya, Mexico and possibly somewhere else when they go back to the field. things are going well in classes. I'm getting the hang of studing and preparing for my classes better now. I'm praying for my English Teacher's salvation and I feel better now than I did a week ago about this situation I have with him. FYI for those who don't know, Mr. Butts challenged me last week when I said something that God commands of us in His word and Mr. Butts wrote all these untrue accuzations on the board. Please pray for me in the rest of this semester that I can make an impact and plant seeds for not only him but for others in my class! Thanks, and continue to pray for me as I go through college, and that I can be an example to others of Christ and what God would have me to do while I'm out there at LCC. Love you all.
Monday, September 10, 2007
"God Bless the USA!" Lee Greenwood
The guy who sings this song, inspired my life the first time I heard him sing this song! Since 9/11, it has ment more to me than ever before, and I hope it will to you too!!! Enjoy and take the time to thank God for ALL your blessings this 9/11!!!
A tribute to all those who died on 9/11
This is an amazing story and video. It breaks my heart every time I see it, but makes me feel so grateful that none of my family was hurt on that terrible day! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! As you watch this, think about all those who were killed on 9-11-01. And also think about all the kids who were left without a father, or mother, aunt, uncle, grandparent(s), or anyone else. Enjoy and thank God today for ALL your blessings!!!!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
my hectic life
hey friends, well my life keeps on rolling down the day with homework everyday and English tests every Friday lol. So all in all, I keep busy, and am really enjoying my graphic arts classes and having a ton of fun in them all! We haven't had our classes with Mr. Downie our lead instructor because he's been called to be with his mom, who's in the hospital and the way I heard it, she had a stoke along with some other problems. I don't know the whole story but please pray for Mr. Downie, and for his mom, that she's a believer and if she does indeed die now, that she'll go to meet Jesus in Heaven. Loving life, glad to be where I am, it's hard work but I'm trying hard to succeed at it, and hopfully come out on top. Still haven't gotten any pics out there yet cause it's not convenent yet to take my camera, although I have one on my phone now! I also have been given my 1st photography job! I've been asked by my church to take photo's of all the new members or those who didn't get their pic taken when last years directory was made. It's alot to take on but a task I know I can succeed at and am so excited that they choose me of all people to do it! Pray for that as well, and for me as I embarq on this wonderful journey through school. Before I know it, I'll be graduating and be done with it all and be ready to start look for a job! I love you all.
Friday, August 24, 2007

hey, I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile, I've been busy, and you'll see why in this posting. I started college a week ago Wedesday. Everything is going great! I had an English test and I did really well cause I knew how I did by what was on the test! So, that's great and English is going well, cept I have a teacher who cusses like crazy. Graphic Arts Imagine and Technology is what I'm magjoring in. It's going really well too. I have classes for that Monday thru Thursday, and I love it that way. English is Monday thru Friday. I already have assingments and such for my Graphic arts classes as far as creating and working a process to get it done, and that's alot for those of you who don't know how to do it lol. So, please be in prayer for me as I journey on my college adventure because that's truely what this is and feels like to me! I've made alot of new friends and like hanging out with them. Alot of hard work and determination, and I know I can excel and do anything I put my mind to with the help of God. I love you all and more to come later when I get the chance to be able to write it hehe. I like I said have been busy busy. My classes roam from 9am-4pm, m-th. So, cept for Friday's, I have a full schedule plus weekend work too. Thanks, talk to you all later. I am also including a pic from my 19th b-day party, my best friend Catherine's in there with me!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
well, I'm finally 19!
well, as of 13:13, I am officially 19 years old, LOL!!! I'm so excited, but don't really feel it's real yet, kinda but not totally! It's funny how some people feel older, and others like me, it takes time to get used to it hehe. We have of course, knowing me, taken pics so I'll have some up soon of the big day, and the only bad part about today was lunch at Ruby Tuesdays, when we were there for 2 hours eating! The waiter was horrible, and I got frustrated first that Applebees had such a low Sanitary rating, so we didn't want to eat there, and I was irritated about that, then Ruby Tuesdays was bad too. I saw this girl, Kenzie I used to babysit for 2 days a week, and she's so cute still just older, and she now has a brother, Josh, who's 3 weeks old! My newest 2nd cousin, Garrison is exactly a month old today, which I love! Well, that's all folks, catch me next time on Hillacarynes blog!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Mountain pics!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
I'm home!
well, I'm finally home from Seven Devils! I had an awesome time with my cousins Abbie and Sara Kent, and as always had fun with tori, mom, aunt Claudia and Deanne! I'm putting up pics soon as I figure out which ones outta bout maybe 2-500 are the best lol. I deleted alot but all in all took around 700 pics in all this trip lol. I always had my camera with me and the girls loved to take pics with it too, and Abbie who's 7 was amazing with it, and it's a nice camera! Sara Kent who's 5 took some good ones but most of hers were blury or kinda bad hehe. Anyways, home again for a while especially with school coming up. I'm real excited about that and everything else I have going on for this week! Talk to you all later on and I'll have some awesome mountain pics up for ya soon!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Mountain fun!

hey, I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon to go to my aunt's house in Greensboro then on Thursday I'll be in Seven Devils, a little town just outside of Boone where my aunt and uncle's mountain house is that we're gunna be staying at! I love it up there and will have more about it later along with some nice pics too! Till I talk to you again.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Hello to all!
Hey, I'm Hillary Haynes, and I now have a blog with blogspot! My friend Paige has one and I found out one of my cousins has one too and I have also wanted one for awhile too! I'm 18 almost 19 in 2 weeks from yesterday and I'm a fun outgoing Christian who loves to serve her Lord and Savior Jesus and I like to babysit for a job, hang out with my friends, my family, and best of all my boyfriend for alittle over a month Brandon and do kewl and awesome things with him like riding his 4 wheeler and mudding! I'm excited about having my own blog here now and will always have new info and pics to share cause I like to keep up with my friends and family and share a ton of pics with them or you lol. That's all for now but alot more to come real soon!
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