Monday, August 10, 2009

G'day Mates!!

Last week I had the pleasure of helping my mom, aunt, and sister babysit 3 of my cute second cousins in the Greensboro area. It was a lot of fun, but then my sister and I had to drive back to Kinston for an awesome session of VBS at our church this past weekend. The theme this year was "The Boomerang Express." ON the Boomerang Express you have to remember that it all comes back to Jesus Christ and having a relationship with him. We have 2 lives that were saved which was awesome. They are members of a great family that I have gotten to know that has recently joined the church, so it was touching for me to see 2 more members of their family saved into the kingdom.

So, now I am back home for one week before classes start back and let me tell ya, it's going to go back WAY to fast! Well, that's all for now blokes, and I will have some pics up soon to show of last week, VBS, and my summer too!


Robert Vernatt Jr. said...

VBS was great! Look how powerful God is! He's Awesome!!

photographer2012 said...

That he is, that he is, it truly was an awesome VBS!!!