Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Lasting "Hope."

My sister and I went to the last night of her VBS at her best friends church a few weeks back, and one of the things the teachers did was give us a rock. On that tiny rock we were to write one word that whenever we carried the rock in our pockets would remind us that Jesus is always there for us. I wrote the word "hope" on mine, and ever since then I have felt that so strongly in my life. I have gone through what I would call a hard time, and so many people have been there for me, but it was my cousin who put it to me the best out of my struggles and her words comforted me tremendously.

She reminded me that when going through a hard time such as the one I am experiencing that is is these times when we hold onto God and draw closer to him in our relationship with him as well. That and our whole conversation was great help to me in what I was searching for. I had a great weekend at my aunts house seeing my aunt, uncle, and cousins, and it was exactly what I need in my time of hardship.

I also am really reflecting on God's Holy word, the Bible, and what it says. I am finding comfort, encouragement, and great strength from it. All in all, I am thankful. I am thankful I have a wonderful family who is always there for me when I need them, especially during the hard times, and I have a relationship with a risen Savior who is ALWAYS there for me no matter what. What a MIGHTY God we serve, and how blessed we are to be HIS!!!!!

God bless you all! Much Love.

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